& the World

or Tailor-made trips
Spearfishing Trips along the Eastern Seaboard of Africa
Our core area in East and Southern Africa are well renowned for their unique African wildlife, mountains, deserts, forests and their spectacular landscapes. It is however little known that the region offers some of the best blue water and reef spearfishing in the world. Since 2009, we at Extreme Blue Water Spearfishing (EBWS), have set out to change this. Through our world-class spearfishing trips resulting in multiple world record catches, Tanzania and northern Mozambique are now recognised as two of the world’s top destinations for hunting giant Dogtooth Tuna and other large pelagic fish. Furthermore, although northern Madagascar has a long history of blue water spearfishing, our high quality guided trips there have put the country even more on the map of the spearfishing world.
With the region’s top spearfishing guides and with trips oriented towards small groups of 4 – 5 spearos, whether you are an experienced spearo already traveling to one of our destinations and are looking for one or more day trips, are looking to join one of our scheduled or put together a private live aboard for a group of friends, are a beginner and want to learn to freedive and spearfish, or are looking for some private guiding and trip planning to any destination in the world, we have exactly what you are looking for.
Have a look at our upcoming trips and Contact Us for more information and options on planning an epic spearfishing trip of a lifetime to Eastern Africa.
Beyond Eastern Africa
With a large experience in travel and logistics planning and implementation, the world is our oyster and no spearfishing destination is too complicated to plan for or far to get to. With successfully completed land based and live aboard trips to Ascension Island, Mexico, French Polynesia and Panama and future trips planned for Indonesia, New Zealand and the Coral Sea of Australia, the team at EBWS are specialists at researching, planning, executing and guiding trips to any part of the world.
Whether you are looking to go somewhere you know little or nothing about and are simply seeking adventure and great spearfishing, prefer to head for the well beaten track and are looking for high quality planning, logistics, and guiding, are looking for a luxury villa or live aboard yacht for your trip, or need to charter a private flight to get there, we can put it all together for you to have a trip of a lifetime just about anywhere on earth!
Contact Us for more information on world wide options and planning a trip to your choice destination.
Rich in culture, history, traditions and great fishing, the ‘Swahili Coast‘ is a unique destination that should be on your bucket list of places to see. Come with us and explore these amazing fishing destinations;

We operate both day trips out of our base in Nosy Be as well as our world famous live aboard trips to Castor Bank, Leven Bank, Intermediary Bank, the Mitzio Archipelago and Cap San Sebastien.

The archipelago is an isolated and remote area, and is probably the last stretch of East African coastline where the marine environment and beaches are very rarely visited by westerners.

ZANZIBAR ACHIPELAGO Made up of the two main islands of Pemba and Unguja (Zanzibar). Here you will find the best of both worlds - excellent blue water spearfishing, quality accommodation, culture and history, and a little bit of adventure